課程推薦 |
國際注冊專業采購專員/經理(CPPM)培訓 |
2005/1/12 12:53:00 |
最近舉辦日期:2005年3月19日 地點:深圳 費用:6800元
(American Purchasing Society)
Purchasing Professional Certification Training & Certification
招 生 簡 章
美國注冊專業采購人員(CPP)認證和專業采購經理(CPPM)認證是由美國采購學會(APS)與美國認證學會 (ACI)頒發的專業認證。APS是世界第一個為專業采購人員進行專業資格認證的組織。由于強調廉正的重要性和業務知識的實用性,從其設立以來,協會的認證工作得到全世界范圍的認可。通過培訓可以使采購人員工作更有效、效率更高,使他們的專業水平更接近“世界水平”。在人才市場上,注冊認證的專業人員具有很強的競爭力。
現代卓越(BMMTEC)的中國采購專家和指導教師經美國認證學會專業培訓。所有教師都經過CPP 或CPPM認證。
北京現代卓越管理技術交流中心 (BMMTEC) 在項目管理專業認證(PMP)和采購管理認證方面有5年經驗,并在中國12個大城市設立了分支機構。
參加認證培訓, 并填寫認證申請; 參加認證考試; 通過考試及資格審核的學員獲得美國采購學會(APS)頒發的專業采購人員證書(CPP)。CPPM的認證必須 在獲得CPP認證資格后獲得。
1. 培養我國獲得美國注冊專業采購人員認證的專家。
2. 提高采購效率和效力的工作標準,提高采購人員的信心、樂趣和自豪感。
3. 發展和貫徹采購工作中應遵循的準則,促進公眾對現代商業行為的接受和了解。
4. 提高人們對在各行業中從事采購工作的專業水平。
授課教師(之一):Dr. LEROY H. GRAW先生,獲得University of S. California(加州大學)金融工商管理博士學位.現任美國國家合同管理協會(NCMA) 專業人員資格認證委員會委員。美國加州大學教授,主要教授采購管理,項目管理研究生課程。Mr. GRAW 在采購管理領域長期從事咨詢、培訓和教育工作。主要涉及以下領域: IT行業, 政府工程項目,制造業,汽車業,建筑業,石油化工, 能源,公共服務等行業. Mr. GRAW曾獲得采購管理的認證 (C.P.M.) ,專業合同管理人員認證 (CPCM) 等多項認證資格并在此行業從事教育工作多年并為許多企業,軍隊及國家機構做過采購工作,為環保組織做過采購項目,有豐富的教學和實踐經驗。
授課對象: 各級采購經理及物流管理人員
項目 培訓 認證 培訓及認證大禮包
CPP 4800 2600 6800
CPPM 2800 3000 5200
CPP&CPPM 6800 5600 12000
* 考試沒有通過者可以免費參加下一次認證培訓,再次參加考試及認證的費用為人民幣600元/人。
* 培訓費中包含:授課教材費,午餐費及參考資料2本(《采購手冊》/機械出版社與現代卓越 共同出版;《采購專業認證學習指南》/美國采購學會與現代卓越共同出版)
* 參加考試的人員請自備鉛筆,橡皮,非編程計算器等用品。
付款方式 :支票、電匯、郵匯均可(不收現金),請注明采購培訓及認證費
戶 名:深圳市世紀卓越管理咨詢有限公司
帳 號:0162100332274
1. 填寫好的申請表(可從我公司領取,或從網上下載,填寫前請認真閱讀申請指南)
2. 學歷復印件2份、身份證復印件2份、1寸個人照片2張
3. 提交相關的培訓證書復印件一式2份
4. 1份完整的個人簡歷 (包括受教育背景,職業經歷,用A4紙打印)
1. 識別需求
采購庫存管理,根據組織目標與資源策略制定采購計劃和采購決策.確定合適的采購方法;根據計劃采購并進行成本管理和財務分析;審查供應商的樣品和/或演示; 采購的工程知識(制定/審查說明書和技術規范、工作說明、質量條款和/或驗收條件)。
國際采購貿易的管理;準備招標文件、詢價單、有關技術說明書和規范的建議書、條款和條件等;開發和管理推薦的供貨資源清單;評估各個出價以確定綜合最好的產品/服務;對供應商進行拜訪和評估,從而確定其適合性 ;應用等級評定系統和/或預定的標準,衡量供應商的質量。
準備和/或簽署合同/購單,必要時,要獲得合同的法律審核和批準;合同/采購單從簽署到結束的管理 ,必要時,加速交貨和進行跟蹤;解決與供應商的合同/采購定單的分歧;解決供應商和用戶部門的付款問題;審查和修改采購程序,以保證它們與現行法律、政策和道德準則相符;管理協議文件、設備記錄和/或說明書。
1. 外部關系
5. 準備認證考試:
A. 學習什么
B. 如何學習
C. 準備多長時間
D. 練習考試
E. 考試的前一天
F. 考試當天
6. 參加考試
A. 考題類型
B. 考題結構
C. 可以猜測,但首先要排除明顯的錯誤答案
D. 使用計算器
E. 在詞上標上數字
F. 削好幾支鉛筆,或帶兩個自動鉛筆
G. 帶上茶或咖啡以便飲用
7. 可能要考的一些內容的復習
8. 課程評估
1st Day: Identifying Requirements
1. Establish procurement plans and make decisions necessary to purchase products or services in congruence with organizational objectives and sourcing strategies.
2. Review purchase requisitions in accordance with organizational requirements and/or budgetary constraints.
3. Determine appropriate methods of procurement.
4. Perform cost/benefit analyses on planned acquisitions.
5. Review supplier samples and/or demonstrations.
6. Develop/review specifications, statements of work, performance terms, and/or acceptance criteria.
Preparation of Solicitations and Supplier Analysis
1. Locate and select potential sources of materials or services.
2. Prepare and solicit competitive bids, quotations, and proposals with pertinent specifications, terms, and conditions.
3. Manage and develop lists of recommended sources.
4. Evaluate competitive offerings to determine the overall best offer for a product
5. Conduct supplier visits/evaluations to determine suitability.
7. Measure supplier performance using rating systems and/or predetermined standards.
2nd Day: Contract Execution, Implementation, and Administration
1. Prepare and/or issue contracts/purchase orders. Obtain legal review and approval of a contract when required.
2. Administer contracts/purchase orders from award to completion.
3. Expedite deliveries and conduct follow-up when necessary.
4. Resolve contract/purchase order differences with suppliers.
5. Resolve payment problems with suppliers and user departments.
6. Review and revise purchasing procedures to ensure their conformance with established laws, policies, and ethical principles.
8. Manage files of agreements, equipment records, and/or specifications.
3rd Day: Negotiations and Information Technology
1. Prepare for and develop strategies and tactics for negotiations.
2. Conduct negotiations with potential and/or current suppliers to obtain maximum value.
3. Develop/utilize a computerized purchasing system(e.g., online buying, EDI, Web-based electronic commerce).
4. Develop/implement/maintain a database of specifications, suppliers, products, and/or services.
5. Develop/utilize a computerized inventory and/or capital equipment tracking system.
Quality Issues and Internal Relationships
1. Resolve quality problems with suppliers and user departments.
2. Develop measurements of quality improvement and target setting (e.g., “best in class” benchmarks).
3. Develop/manage/evaluate relationships with other internal departments.
4. Participate in cross-functional and/or multifunctional teams (e.g., project management, process improvement).
5. Recommend/implement changes to the organization’s purchasing, supply management, and material usage policies as needed.
6. Disseminate information and provide training related to purchasing and supply management policies and procedures.
4th Day: External Relationships, Preparing for the Examination, and Taking the Examination Course Critique, and Review of Questions Likely to be on the Examination
1. Develop/manage effective relationships with suppliers, utilizing such techniques as supplier partnerships, strategic alliances, supply chain management, and supplier training programs.
2. Review product availability and/or pricing information with suppliers.
3. Conduct interviews with current and prospective supplier sales personnel.
4. Coordinate/review/respond to supplier inquiries, protests, and appeals.
5. Represent the buying organization in meetings with corporations, government agencies, professional associations, media, and other organizations.
6. Preparing for the certification examination:
i. What to Study
ii. How to Study
iii. How long to prepare
iv. Practice taking examinations
v. The Day Before the examination
vi. The Day of the examination
7. Taking the examination:
A. Types of questions.
B. Construction of questions.
C. Guessing is OK, but eliminate the obvious.
D. Use a calculator!!
E. Put numbers to the words.
F. Have several pencils already sharpened or bring 2 mechanical pencils.
G. Bring some tea or coffee to drink.
8. Review of areas likely to be tested on the examination.
9. Course critique sheets completed.
第一天 供貨源分析和供應庫存管理
1. 決定“制造還是購買”、私有化還是外購產品或服務。
2. 對租賃還是購買設備作出決策。
3. 制定采購的財務融資和調節戰略
4. 組織和控制物資儲存,并使之最小化
5. 與有關部門討論目前的物資存貨,建立重新進貨水平或準時制戰略
6. 確定貨源,緩解存貨矛盾
7. 處理舊設備/物資、多余設備/物資和廢品
8. 開發和實施一個標準化的程序
9. 開發和實施過程改進程序
10. 開發一個成本降低/成本避免和成本遏制計劃(如價值分析、訂單/供應商合并、縮短供貨時間、基于活動的成本計算)
11. 協調各有關部門引進新的和修改的產品和服務
1. 根據預計數據,計劃采購、來源和供應戰略
2. 根據對未來需求的預測,制定供應計劃和戰略
3. 向供應商提供有關組織未來購買需求的預測數據
4. 通過商品展示會、行業期刊和其他渠道保持對市場的了解,以得到可靠的有關新產 品和價格的信息。
5. 向管理層、銷售管理部門和/或用戶部門提供有關現在和未來市場條件的資料。
1. 制定戰略計劃和目標(短期的和長期的)
2. 根據組織的目標,制定采購供應部相應的目標
3. 規劃、開發和提供運作政策、指導方針和程序
4. 為上級管理層和組織中的其他部門準備定期的部門活動報告
5. 分析和解決在采購和供應審計報告中提出的問題
6. 開發/應用評估采購供應部門績效的標準
1. 準備和/或管理采購部/供應管理預算
2. 設計/修改和/或管理運作表格(紙的和/或電子的)。
3. 監督和領導采購和供應人員
1. 采購管理:雇用、提升和/或解雇采購和供應人員
2. 采購管理:評估采購和供應人員的業績
3. 采購管理:為提高采購和供應人員的專業能力對他們進行職業培訓
4. 解決雇員的業績不佳問題
5. 準備認證考試:
A. 學習什么
B. 如何學習
C. 準備多長時間
D. 練習考試
E. 考試的前一天
F. 考試當天
6. 參加考試
A. 考題類型
B. 考題結構
C. 可以猜測,但首先要排除明顯的錯誤答案
D. 使用計算器!
E. 在詞上標上數字
F. 削好幾支鉛筆,或帶兩個自動鉛筆
G. 帶上茶或咖啡以便飲用
7. 可能要考的一些內容的復習
8. 課程評估
1st Friday
Sourcing Analysis and Supply and Inventory Management
1. Conduct decisions to “make or buy”, privatize, or outsource products or services.
2. Conduct decisions to lease or buy equipment.
3. Develop financing and leveraging strategies for purchases.
4. Organize, control, and minimize the storage of materials.
5. Meet with appropriate departments to discuss current material inventories, and establish restock levels or just-in-time strategies.
6. Determine sources of and reconcile inventory discrepancies.
7. Handle obsolete equipment/materials, surplus equipment/materials, and scrap.
8. Develop/implement a standardization program.
9. Develop/implement a process improvement program.
10. Develop a cost reduction/cost avoidance, cost containment program (e.g., value analysis, consolidation of orders/suppliers, leadtime reduction, activity based costing).
11. Coordinate the introduction of new and modified products and services with appropriate departments.
2nd day
1. Plan purchasing, sourcing, and supply strategies based on forecasted data.
2. Develop supply plans and strategies based on forecasts of future demand.
3. Provide forecasted data of future organization buying requirements to suppliers.
4. Develop and maintain market awareness through merchandise shows, trade periodicals, and other resources to secure new product and pricing information.
5. Provide data on current and future market conditions to management, sales management, and/or user departments.
Management and Organization
1. Develop strategic plans and objectives (short and long term).
2. Develop goals and objectives of purchasing and supply department aligned to organizational goals.
3. Plan/develop/provide operating policies, guidelines, and procedures.
4. Prepare periodic reports of department activities for senior management and other areas of the organization.
5. Analyze and resolve issues raised in purchasing and supply audit reports.
6. Develop/utilize criteria for evaluating purchasing and supply department performance.
Management and Organization and Human Resource Management
1. Prepare and/or administer a purchasing department/supply management budget.
2. Design/modify, and/or manage operational forms (paper and/or electronic).
3. Supervise and lead purchasing and supply staff.
Human Resources Management, Preparing for the Examination, and Taking the Examination, Course Critique, and Review of Questions Likely to be on the Examination
1. Hire, promote, and/or dismiss purchasing and supply personnel.
2. Evaluate purchasing and supply staff performance.
3. Conduct/authorize job training for the development of the professional competence of the staff.
4. Resolve employee performance problems.
5. Preparing for the certification examination:
A. What to Study
B. How to Study
C. How long to prepare
D. Practice taking examinations
E. The Day Before the examination
F. The Day of the examination
5. Taking the examination:
A. Types of questions.
B. Construction of questions.
C. Guessing is OK, but eliminate the obvious.
D. Use a calculator!!
E. Put numbers to the words.
F. Have several pencils already sharpened or bring 2 mechanical pencils.
G. Bring some tea or coffee to drink.
H. Go out for lunch if you take both morning and afternoon tests.
6. Review of areas likely to be tested on the examination.
7. Course critique sheets completed.
參考條件: 適合希望提高采購專業技能、提升自己的采購業內人士