課程目的 |
授課時間:2011年10月20-21日深圳 ; 2011年10月27-28日上海
課程費用:3200/元/人(含中餐,指定培訓教材, 稅費,專家演講費 , 上下午茶點等)
【Aim of the program課程目標】
By the end of this course participants will:
? have more understanding on why coaching works for high performance and development for both individual and organization.
? know how coaching framework and model work in performance management
? be able to use core techniques while delivering coaching
? know how coaching improves individual and organizational performance as well supports its continuous development with measurable result
? 了解輔導為何能夠提升個人和組織雙方的績效和發展
? 理解教練結構和模型在組織績效管理中的作用
? 能夠掌握和使用教練的核心技巧
? 知曉輔導提升個人和組織績效,可衡量的結果支持企業持續的發展
【The Concept課程內容 】
1. The Challenging Time and Changing Needs
? Imperatives for a successful organization
? The importance of people and performance in the organizations
? A shift from manager to leader
? 成功組織的必備
? 人員和績效的重要性
? 管理理念的轉換: 從經理人到領導者
2. Coaching-A Great Approach to Motivate People to Their High Potential 輔導--激發人們潛能的高效理念和方法
? Coaching and its effectiveness with other methodologies
? A structured framework to develop people
? Benefits for both individual and organization
? 有效的輔導和其他方法的不同
? 完整的輔導結構體系
? 獨特的方式給組織和個人帶來的益處
3. Imperatives for A Coach and Core Coaching Techniques
? The theory of XY and the imperative for a coach
? What works vs. What does not
? The 3 core skills
? XY理論和教練角色必備
? 教練可為&不為
? 三大核心技巧
4.Different Types of Coaching and Opportunities to Step in
? Understanding coaching types
? Opportunities for coaching
? Potential barriers for coaching
? 不同形式概要
? 輔導的機會和介入
? 潛在的影響因素
5. GROW Model & Practice GROW 模型和應用
? GROW Model
? Set win-win goals
? How to present measurable results
? GROW模型
? 共贏目標的設定
? 可衡量績效結果的呈現
The above will take some practical cases from participants in order to experience the application of the model
6. The Power of Feedback反饋的力量
? An effective tool for providing Feedback-STAR
? Types of Feedback
? Principle of Feedback
? 高效的反饋工具STAR模型
? 反饋的類型
? 反饋的原則
Lecturing, case study, group work, feedback and sharing, one-on-one coaching
【Introduction of Coach講師簡介 】
作為專業咨詢顧問和教練, 屈女士長期致力于組織績效提升和個人發展促進領域。她曾經在多個世界五百強企業工作逾20年,擁有豐富的工作經驗和獨到的專業咨詢和教練理念。
溫馨提醒:此課程可根據企業需求做內訓,歡迎來電咨詢! |